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The goal of ussie is to help prepare football data from European countries for analysis.


You can install the development version of ussie from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


uss_make_matches(engsoccerdata::italy, "Italy")
#> # A tibble: 25,404 x 8
#>    country tier  season date       home         visitor goals_home goals_visitor
#>    <chr>   <fct>  <int> <date>     <chr>        <chr>        <int>         <int>
#>  1 Italy   1       1934 1934-09-30 Lazio Roma   US Liv~          6             1
#>  2 Italy   1       1934 1934-09-30 Torino FC    Unione~          3             1
#>  3 Italy   1       1934 1934-09-30 Sampierdare~ Bologn~          2             1
#>  4 Italy   1       1934 1934-09-30 SSC Napoli   US Ale~          0             1
#>  5 Italy   1       1934 1934-09-30 ACF Fiorent~ AS Roma          4             1
#>  6 Italy   1       1934 1934-09-30 Brescia Cal~ Juvent~          0             2
#>  7 Italy   1       1934 1934-09-30 Inter        US Pal~          3             0
#>  8 Italy   1       1934 1934-09-30 Pro Vercelli AC Mil~          1             2
#>  9 Italy   1       1934 1934-10-07 AC Milan     ACF Fi~          1             1
#> 10 Italy   1       1934 1934-10-07 US Livorno   Inter            1             1
#> # ... with 25,394 more rows